# @name Michael John Decker, Ph.D. # @office Hayes 242 # @email mdecke@bgsu.edu # @position Assistant Professor # @university Bowling Green State University

My research focus is in software engineering, including the exploration, analysis, and manipulation of source code, as well as, supporting the maintenance/evolution of software. I am a researcher with the Software DeveloMent Laboratory (SDML) where I aid in the development of srcML (an XML format representing source code) and its infrastruture. The srcML Infrastructure supports software evolution/engineering research and industry projects by providing support for the analysis and manipulation of source code (among other things). I am also a researcher with Source Code Analysis and Natural Language Lab (SCANL) which focuses on natural language elements of source-code. My dissertation work focused on the developed of rules for syntactic differencing that incorporates domain knowledge on how code changes and how developers perceive code changes to produce a fine-grained syntactical differencer that is more accurate, understandable, and scaleable than other existing approaches.

Michael J. Decker / mdecke@bgsu.edu